You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Creating A New Sales Order > From a Quote Template

From a Quote Template

Quotes created for the debtor can be used to generate a new sales order for that client.  When the debtor is selected, all open quotes for that client are then displayed for selection – quote and each relevant history. Invoicing system setting InvoicesFromQuotesUseActivateDate controls the initiated date of the sales order – i.e. quote initiated date or sales order creation date.  Pricing can be left at the quoted price or updated with current pricing.


1. Sales Order Entry
2. New > New Sales Order from Quote Template
3. Select debtor from the search window that displays automatically
4. Select relevant quote and associated history
5. Accept quoted prices or click Yes to change to current pricing
6. Complete the sales order and save

Access to the originating quote is accessed from theribbon Utilities Drill to Source Quote: xxxxxThe quote is updated with the status Sales Order.  Double-right mouse on this status loads a search window listing all the sales orders created from the quote.

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